Brace yourself for impact. If you’re nervous, one of the best ways to overcome this is by facing reality. Rejection is possible when you put your intentions on the line. Embracing this fact allows you to gain a slight advantage over emotions that might prevent you from making contact with this girl. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best to gain a positive mind-set. Remember that there are always other women if this one doesn’t work out.
Specialize your approach to fit this girl. Learn about her, including what makes her special. Flattery works as long as it is believable and sincere. Telling her what you think makes her special can encourage her to give you a chance at winning her. Avoid overdoing the flattery, though, to avoid seening desperate, or worse, completely obsessed.
Play the game. While you want to be patient with this girl to avoid rushing the situation, you also want to avoid being stuck in the “friend zone.” Once a girl you consider special sees you only as a friend, it will be hard to get back on a romantic course. Avoid this by teasing her, joking with her and flirting tastefully on occasion to help keep some romantic and sexual tension. This will keep you on her mind in a romantic way.
Interest her by letting her get to know you. Help her learn a bit of what’s special about you. Don’t be afraid to expose some of yourself honestly, but without revealing too much. Play up your strengths without being too cocky, as this can turn her off. Leave some mystery that makes her want to delve deeper into your hidden side.
Know when she is playing hard to get. Although most women won’t readily admit it, they love competition as long as they know they’re the front-runners. Use this to your advantage when you want to be with someone special. If she is playing hard to get, turn the tables by showing her that other women are interested in you. This can increase your worth in her eyes. Be careful, however, as this tactic can backfire and cause her to think you are uninterested or are just a player.


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